Tips:How do you study effectively?
Tips: How do you study effectively? Study is spending time on gaining knowledge based on any academic subject from books, online sources etc. Why do we study? It enables us to understand something and in more better way. Studying keeps us aware of things around us whether academic or not. It is most trusted way to gain knowledge and later earn a degree based on which we benefit others and earn money. Why do we feel studying is boring or hard ? As mentioned before, studying requires time. When we are interested about something, that drives us to know more about that. The problem lies with our interest in that particular subject. The more we are interested about something, the more we are motivated to know. Here are some tips that would help us to study effectively 1.Interest First thing about studying is interest. We, human beings only do something if it excites us or make us curious about something. Because curiosity is human nature. If it triggers our thought then we are mo...