Tips:How do you study effectively?

 Tips: How do you study effectively?

Person Behind Books

Study is spending time on gaining knowledge based on any academic subject from books, online sources etc.

Why do we study?

It enables us to understand something and in more better way. Studying keeps us aware of things around us whether academic or not. It is most trusted way to gain knowledge and  later earn a degree based on which we benefit others and earn money.

Why do we feel studying is boring or hard ?

As mentioned before, studying requires time. When we are interested about something, that drives us to know more about that. The problem lies with our interest in that particular subject. The more we are interested about something, the more we are motivated to know.

Here are some tips that would help us to study effectively


Black Pen on Opened Book Beside Lit Taper Candle

First thing about studying is interest. We, human beings only do something if it excites us or make us curious about something. Because curiosity is human nature. If it triggers our thought then we are motivate to know more about it. It all depends on our brain, we need to develop interest while studying. So, how do we do that?. First ask questions to yourself "Why do I need to study about this? Does this really matter to me?".

Many answers comes up. One may say "It makes me curious about it". One may say "I need for knowledge purpose". One may say" I need to study for exams". Developing interest is most important step.

2.Study area

Row of Books in Shelf

Environment really affects on what we do whether for studying or working .When we are surrounded by people who are doing a particular work we tend to also do that. So it is important to choose a place where we feel we can study peacefully and understand what we reading .Stay away from distractions as much as possible at least for sometime.

3.Make it simple

The syllabus of any subject can be huge and we tend to get anxious looking at it and then we ignore it. There are many ways to make it simple. Various methods are available to study a topic whether reading textbook or watching a video on YouTube or asking a friend to explain it .You can make flowcharts or tables or maps to learn a topic because we can remember images better than text.
Instead of studying whole chapter just to make ourselves believe that we, at least read the chapter, we can make it fruitful by really understanding it.


Richard Feynman , a Noble Prize winning physicist who was also called as "The Great Explainer". This technique is based on the teaching. Our teachers are able to breakdown complex and sophisticated topics into simpler ones just to make us understand. Using same technique, we need to breakdown complex topics into simpler form and try to explain it yourself or to your friends, This will improve the concepts and we can identify the problem areas. This has prove to be most effective method.

5.Associate with something you are familiar with.

We memorize things based on our emotions ,information that we already know and incidences. For example, if we need to memorize what is function of  Lymphocytes we relate this to "soldiers" because they protect our bodies from infective antigens similarly even soldiers of a country also protect their country. Emotions are powerful we can use this and try to remember what we need to study. The best thing about this, it is purely based on our experiences and our knowledge. No on can alter how we memorize things.

Studying is really not boring or tough. Every task if done properly is interesting and fruitful.
These were few tips that might have answered " How do you study effectively".

Keep studying, keep gaining knowledge!!


  1. Well, you should understand one thing very clearly you have to start study from the very first day. Apart from studying, make some friends and engage yourself in some activities & don’t read a thousand books on the same subject. Choose 1 or 2 good ones. There is too much pressure as it is. So fun is important. I used to do these things when I was in Caribbean medical school & these things surely help you in your studies.


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