Learn how to save someone by performing CPR.

Learn how to save someone by performing CPR.

How to Perform CPR: Hands-Only and Mouth-to-Mouth

I am sure all of us have heard about CPR during emergency cases or have seen it performing by someone on a person who is not breathing or not responding.

What is full form of CPR?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

It is a emergency procedure which can be performed by anyone including you by just learning correct way of performing it.

When to perform CPR?
CPR can be performed on infants, children and adults when they are not breathing or responding(adults or child) to you.It is immediate signal to start right away.It can increase the survival chance .
How does it works?
It acts as heart pumping blood to continue the circulation throughout the body until emergency help is arrived.

What happened ?
Cardiac arrest
Smoke Inhalation
SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome)

Let's learn how to save someone's life
CPR steps
1.Take the person to safe area:
When you find the person somewhere unsafe for example on road take him/her to safer area so that you can perform CPR much safer.Check  if he/she is not  responding or not breathing.
Why is it that when water is sprinkled on an unconscious person's ...

2.Call for help.

24x7 Call On Help - Doctor & Medical Character Concept Royalty ...

Immediately call for help.Call nearby people, ask anyone to call for ambulance.

3.Place the person on their back and open their airways.
Sometimes due to obstruction such as food or any other thing blocks the airways and person stops breathing.If possible remove any obstruction.A person sometimes will be unconscious but still be breathing then Do Not perform CPR.Place them in recovery position and keep checking on their breathing.If breathing stops only then do CPR.

4.Perform 30 chest compression
Keep your hands on chest with straight elbows and push hard and fast.
  • Infant
Lay Person CPR On Infants - What You Need to Know

Press down 1.5 inches as infant chest area is small so you should use 2 fingers.

  • Child
5): A. Chest compression with one hand-child. | Download ...

For young children use only one hand  press down 2 inches.

  • Adults
 File:CPR Adult Chest Compression.png - Wikimedia Commons

For adults place both hands interlocking fingers over chest where heart is situated because your compression acts as heart to pump blood.

5.Perform two rescue breaths
How to Perform CPR: Hands-Only and Mouth-to-Mouth
Check for clear airways,Tilt the head backwards and lift the chin.Pinch their nose to close so that no air is going out,keep your mouth over theirs and blow out to make their chest rise.
NOTE:while doing this,if chest is not rising then the person might be choking.

6. Repeat.
Repeat the 30 compression and 2 rescue breaths until person starts breathing or until help arrives.

Well you learnt to save a person by doing CPR.
I hope I was able to teach you "How to save someone's life by performing CPR?"
Remember, we can also save life.It's not only doctor's job,it's our job too.


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