Why do we overthink ??
Overthink means thinking overly about something that doesn't even exist. We have ability to think, that's great but everything must have a limit. Unfortunately,thinking doesn't have one and that becomes a curse to human beings killing many of us. When something bother's us ,it kills us by thinking constantly over it. Life is simple without overthink but I mentioned earlier it's a curse .This can be abolished.Here are some tips below,
1.Find solutions
Every problem's origin is from this world then the solution also lies in this world itself.Sometimes we will be so involved in overthinking that we go blind for solutions that lies in front of our eyes. If we need solutions then we need to start questing for it. We need to understand that by overthinking nothing is going to help us. We need to help ourselves.
2. Ask questions.
Ask question "Does overthinking really help us to solve our problems ?".There is difference between thinking and overthinking, thinking is we think about something and we change some plans,strategies or thought but overthinking is ruminating about one particular thing over and over again. We create scenarios that never really going to happen, only to check every possibility that is going to affect us in anyway.
3.Help others.
Do we realise that many people out there are suffering from worst conditions and they are searching for help but no one is there ?.Helping others is way of letting our frustrations , sorrows and pain out by realising that others are suffering too it's not just us.We should learn to live in a moment than wasting our time overthinking.
Journal is daily record of our thoughts,events, activities etc. Basically it's a dairy. Remember keeping a dairy when we were little, expressing our feelings ,our day to the dairy. In the course of time we loose good habits that should have been with us but we forget good stuff and remember only what we don't want to. Journaling really helps us to vent our thoughts,anger,frustations, happiness and all other things that is taking place in our heads. We can talk to our dairies when no one is available for us.
I hope I was able to help you in answering the question "Why do we overthink ?". The tips are really helpful to overcome Overthinking.
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